Monday, January 31, 2022

THE FANDOM ZONE 232: "The Thing in the Mines" Is Up!

"You're not going to go all doomsday on us."
-- Lois Lane to Superman, Superman & Lois: "The Thing in the Mines"

Hello again, everyone! It's time for another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, DJ Nik and I discuss "The Thing in the Mines", the third episode of Superman & Lois Season 2, featuring Tyler Hoechlin as Superman/Clark Kent, Elizabeth Tulloch as Lois Lane, the introduction of Rya Kihlstedt as Ally Allston, and the twist reveal of Bizarro!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I talk about things like Sergio Mattarella being re-elected as the President of Italy, our reaction to the surprise twist of getting Bizarro instead of Doomsday, the other shock twist of Sophie Cushing actually being alive, Rya Kihlstedt on SeaQuest DSV, some comics background on Bizarro and Ally Allston, what Bizarro said in reverse, the early warning signs that it wasn't Doomsday inside the suit, Clark worrying that he's screwed up his kids for life and trying to live up to the example Ma & Pa Kent set, wondering what else Bizarro knows from Superman's memories, Sam getting pulled out of his retirement, Lois calling out Sam for not doing anything to keep Lucy from getting involved with Ally Allston's cult, Nik's father having different relationships with Nik and his siblings, Sam admitting to Lois that he failed as a father, John Henry lying to Natalie that he was done being Steel, Natalie looking like she either wants to improve the Steel suit or make her own, that awkward moment when Jordan tells Clark that he wants to tell Sarah that he has powers, Sarah telling Lana that she kissed a girl at camp, worrying about Kyle's reaction that his daughter is bisexual, Jon confronting his girlfriend Candice about her dealing X-Kryptonite drugs and wanting her to hook him up with some, that awkward moment when Lana gets called out for selling reverse mortgages and working for Morgan Edge during her campaign launch, Sarah's idea for an online Q&A, our favorite quotes of the episode, Grant Gustin nearing a deal to return for The Flash Season 9, Legends of Tomorrow getting an asexual character, our lack of Fandom Zone Fanmail this week, and more!

You can now check out episodes of The Fandom Zone using...

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And if that isn't enough for you, you can pick up an officially official Fandom Zone Podcast t-shirt that all the cool kids are wearing from TeePublic HERE as well! Feel free to post a picture on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back next week for Episode 233 as DJ Nik and I discuss "The Inverse Method", the fourth episode of Superman & Lois Season 2, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

THE FANDOM ZONE 231: "The Ties That Bind" Is Up!

"I like Dad's Fortress better."
"Well, taste is subjective, I suppose."
-- Jordan Kent and Tal-Rho, Superman & Lois: "The Ties That Bind"

Hello again, everyone! It's time for another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, DJ Nik and I discuss "The Ties That Bind", the second episode of Superman & Lois Season 2, featuring Tyler Hoechlin as Superman/Clark Kent, Elizabeth Tulloch as Lois Lane, Mariana Klaveno as Lara, and the return of Adam Rayner as Tal-Rho!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I talk about things like the Skype seeming glitchy, my apologies for sounding more horrible than usual, David Ramsey directing "The Ties That Bind", Superman & Lois being the best CW show on the air right now, Mariana Klaveno as Negative Woman on Doom Patrol, Dr. Faulkner probably being the Superman villain Rampage, some comics background on AmerTek Industries, Nik reviewing the Steel movie on Happiness in Darkness, the LaraGram replacing the Jor-Elogram, wondering if the Arrowverse Crisis on Infinite Earths event split Superman and Supergirl onto different Earths, Jordan acting as Superman's backup in case his evil uncle Tal-Rho inevitably backstabs him, wishing Jon would get his powers so he could be more included in the main storyline, Superman losing his cool when Tal-Rho tries to strangle Jordan, that awkward moment when Tag Harris turns up as a member of the Supermen of America, our theory that Anderson is orchestrating the removal of the X-Kryptonite to create more super-soldiers, Lois and Chrissy's latest blowup, "Ally Alliston" sounding a lot like Smallville actress Allison Mack and the NXIVM sex cult, Chrissy getting on everyone's nerves, Lois' sister Lucy Lane attempting suicide, why it was a bad idea for Lois to invite John Henry Irons to live at the Kent Farm, wondering how Dr. Faulkner knew Doomsday was in the mine, Superman & Lois' X-Kryptonite being a plot device that gives everyone superpowers, the Sophie of the Lambs, Sarah finally telling Jordan that she kissed a girl while at summer camp, Sarah and Natalie bonding over fixing a car and probably becoming a couple, waiting for Sarah to find out that Jordan has powers, worrying that Jon is going to use X-Kryptonite to get powers, Lana suddenly running for Mayor of Smallville after Daniel Hart up and leaves for another town, wondering how long Kyle 2.0 will put up with Lana being busy as mayor, our favorite quotes of the episode, new Fandom Zone Fanmail from Dave Proctor, Xan Sprouse and I finally discussing Hot Fuzz on Drunk Cinema, looking forward to the full debut of Doomsday, and more!

You can now check out episodes of The Fandom Zone using...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
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And if that isn't enough for you, you can pick up an officially official Fandom Zone Podcast t-shirt that all the cool kids are wearing from TeePublic HERE as well! Feel free to post a picture on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back next week for Episode 232 as DJ Nik and I discuss "The Thing in the Mines", the third episode of Superman & Lois Season 2, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

Monday, January 24, 2022

DRUNK CINEMA 021: "Hot Fuzz" Is Up!

"What's the situation?"
"Two blokes and a fuck-load of cutlery!"
-- Sgt. Nicholas Angel & DS Andy Wainwright, Hot Fuzz

Hello again, movie fans!  My wonderful co-host Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Drunk Cinema! This time, we watch Hot Fuzz, the 2007 buddy cop action comedy film directed by Edgar Wright, featuring Simon Pegg as Sgt. Nicholas Angel, Nick Frost as PC Danny Butterman, Jim Broadbent as Inspector Frank Butterman, and Timothy Dalton as Simon Skinner!

In this episode, Xan and I discuss things like Drunk Cinema finally being a legal drinking age, the death of Meat Loaf, Tom Hanks on the Saturday Night Live sketch "Black Jeopardy", what happened with our first attempt to watch Hot Fuzz in 2021, Xan's dying headphones, Kevin Spacey ruining Edgar Wright's film Baby Driver, Xan crushing on Anthony Rapp, the Spaced TV series that gave us Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, David Bradley as William Hartnell and the First Doctor on Doctor Who, Olivia Colman on Broadchurch, Xan and I watching Peacemaker, Bill Nighy as Slartibartfast and Martin Freeman as Arthur Dent in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie, uncredited cameos by Peter Jackson and Cate Blanchett, Nicholas pissing off the pub owners by kicking out the hoodie gang, Bill Bailey playing twin roles, the three flavors of Cornetto ice cream cones in Edgar Wright's Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy, the horrible local theater play of Romeo + Juliet, Timothy Dalton as James Bond and the Chief on Doom Patrol, Arthur Wembley having a huge stash of guns and an old sea mine in his shed, Danny's impressive DVD collection, Xan liking an English breakfast except for the mushrooms, the Sandford city council going full Wicker Man, using a train of shopping carts as a battering ram, the missing swan doing a ride-along, Nicholas Angel and Simon Skinner's Godzilla vs. Mothra fight in the miniature of Sandford, the awkward moment when Simon Skinner gets impaled on a miniature church steeple, The World's End being my least favorite of the Cornetto Trilogy, Xan and I discussing Airplane! in our next episode, and more!

If you'd like to check out our podcast and subscribe to us, you can find us on...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
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Be sure to come back in two weeks for Episode 022, as Xan and I watch Airplane!, the 1980 air disaster comedy directed by Jim Abrahams and the Zucker Brothers, featuring Robert Hays as Ted Striker, Julie Hagerty as Elaine Dickinson, Leslie Nielsen as Dr. Rumack, and Lloyd Bridges as Steve McCroskey!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 254: "The Invasion of Time" Is Up!

"Even the Sonic Screwdriver won't get me out of this one!"
-- The Fourth Doctor, Doctor Who: "The Invasion of Time"

Hello again, everyone! My partner in time Jesse Jackson and I are back with a new episode of Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast!  This time, we discuss "The Invasion of Time", the sixth serial from Doctor Who Season 15 in 1978, featuring Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor, John Leeson as the voice of K-9, John Arnatt as Borusa, and the departure of Louise Jameson as Leela!

In this episode, Jesse and I discuss things like Jesse's Bruce Springsteen sneakers, the pseudonym "David Agnew", the Sontarans invading Gallifrey being a big deal, Derek Deadman as the Leaky Cauldron barman in Harry Potter, "The Invasion of Time" being a replacement for the unproduced story "The Killers of the Dark", Louise Jameson wanting Leela to be killed off in "The Invasion of Time" only to be told it would be too traumatic for younger viewers, the four actors who played Borusa, Rodan being the first female Gallifreyan since Susan Foreman, the initial plans to reveal the Time Lords weren't native Gallifreyans, the Doctor becoming Lord President of Gallifrey to give the Vardans access to invade, why the Doctor pretended to work with the Vardans, why the Doctor wanted Leela banished to the Outlands, the Doctor behaving like an evil villain in the first two episodes, Borusa as the Doctor's former mentor, Leela forming a resistance group of Outsiders and exiled Time Lords, why K-9 stayed on Gallifrey with Leela, the last-minute decision to have Leela fall in love with Andred for no real reason instead of killing her off, Leela and Rodan making a more believable romance than Leela and Andred, the two old bickering Time Lords waiting for the swearing-in ceremony to begin, the unfurnished lower levels of the TARDIS interior, the awkward moment when the resistance defeats the Vardans only to be invaded again by the Sontarans, the Sontarans wanting to conquer everything in every time, the TARDIS pool, Castellan Kelner being a complete weasel, our favorite quotes of the episode, my Reverse the Polarity segment, new feedback from Holly Mac and Sandi from Oregon, Jesse starting up a Babylon 5 rewatch podcast, Jesse, DJ Nik and I having a great celebration of George Perez's career on TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
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Next Stop Everywhere's Instagram account

We have a NEW Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt with our current logo, which you can find on TeePublic right HEREThis spiffy new shirt looks great when you're listening to your favorite Doctor Who podcast and travelling through time and space!  Or your could order all sorts of cool Next Stop Everywhere merch there as well!

And hey, if you'd like to pick up our classic logo Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt, you can also find it on TeePublic right HERE!  Help support the show and feel free to post pictures on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back in two weeks for the next episode of Next Stop Everywhere as Jesse and I discuss "Out of Time 2: The Gates of Hell", the second audio drama from Big Finish Productions' Doctor Who: Out of Time series released in 2021, featuring David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor, Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor, Mark Gatiss as Joseph Delon, and Nicholas Briggs as the voice of the Cybermen!

Thursday, January 20, 2022

THE FANDOM ZONE 230: "What Lies Beneath" Is Up!

"You're late."
"Is that dinner?"
"Unless you're cooking something else."
-- Lois Lane and Jordan Kent, Superman & Lois: "What Lies Beneath"

Hello again, everyone! It's time for another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, DJ Nik and I discuss "What Lies Beneath", the first episode of Superman & Lois Season 2, featuring Tyler Hoechlin as Superman/Clark Kent, Elizabeth Tulloch as Lois Lane, Tayler Buck as Natalie Irons, and the introduction of Ian Bohen as Mitch Anderson!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I talk about things like Nik having to talk to me three times in a single week, why we're discussing Superman & Lois Season 2, our reaction to the Naomi pilot episode, Ian Bohen and Tyler Hoechlin working on the Teen Wolf TV series together, the faithful tease of Doomsday, our love of "The Death of Superman" storyline from the comics, wanting to see Doomsday crush a bird in his hand like in the comics, the great special effects of Superman lifting up a nuclear submarine in the rain, some comics background on Mitch Anderson a.k.a. Outburst and the Supermen of America, the Superman & Lois creators deep-diving into '90s Superman comics, Superman telling Anderson that his allegiance is to the entire world instead of just America, patriotism in comics around World War II, wondering if there's someone above Anderson orchestrating the Supermen of America, Lois not addressing the Natalie situation and being snappy with everyone, Lois finally reaching out to Natalie, that awkward moment when John Henry Irons and Natalie show up at the Kent farm to move in, Lois and Clark being the gold standard of superhero romances, wondering if Lois will become the Perry White of the Smallville Gazette, that awkward moment when Jon tries to have sex with his new girlfriend Candice only to have Lois interrupt them, Clark getting an emergency page from Lois to deal with Jon almost having sex with his girlfriend, the awkward moment when Jordan sets up a big romantic moment for Sarah only to have her say that she has cramps, Lois being zero help to Jordan after his big romance fail, wondering what happened to Sarah's little sister Sophie during the earthquake, Lana helping out with Daniel Hart's mayoral campaign even though she would be a better mayor, Lana trying to get Clark drunk with a box of wine, our favorite quotes of the episode, The Boys returning to Amazon Prime for Season 3 in June, new Fandom Zone Fanmail from Jesse Jackson, Nik and I celebrating George Perez's life and career on TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast, and more!

You can now check out episodes of The Fandom Zone using...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
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The Fandom Zone on Facebook -- RIGHT HERE
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The Fandom Zone on Instagram -- HERE

And if that isn't enough for you, you can pick up an officially official Fandom Zone Podcast t-shirt that all the cool kids are wearing from TeePublic HERE as well! Feel free to post a picture on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back next week for Episode 231 as DJ Nik and I discuss "The Ties That Bind", the second episode of Superman & Lois Season 2, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

DRUNK CINEMA 020: "Jurassic Park" Is Up!

"Hold on to your butts."
-- Ray Arnold, Jurassic Park

Hello again, movie fans!  My wonderful & strange co-host Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Drunk Cinema! This time, we're joined by special guest DJ Nik as we watch Jurassic Park, the 1993 science fiction action film based on the novel by Michael Crichton and directed by Steven Spielberg, featuring Sam Neill as Alan Grant, Laura Dern as Ellie Sattler, Jeff Goldblum as Ian Malcolm, and Richard Attenborough as John Hammond!

In this episode, Xan, Nik and I discuss things like Xan trying to persuade me to put the Krispy Kreme app on my phone, waiting for Nik to buy a mansion in Italy, average people not considering Jurassic Park to be a science fiction film, my overruling Jesse's rule that Xan can't use Simpsons references, ranking Bill Pullman's movies Independence Day and Lost Highway, Xan and I not being big fans of Seinfeld, Nik welcoming in the new day and watching the sun come up while we podcast, the Sonia Situation, Donald Generro being dressed perfectly for the jungle, John Hammond trashing an archaeological site with his helicopter, wondering why the Jurassic Park lab team bred carnivores, Laura Dern's scandalous Hollywood romances, David Attenborough's excellent documentary shows, Xan considering getting a Mr. DNA tattoo, our plans to meet up halfway in London, the Simpsons episode "Bart vs. Australia", Dennis Nedry's financial problems, who's on Xan's Exception List, Xan vs. Igor Stravinsky, the Jurassic Park pinball machine, Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler breaking up, Andy Serkis being Nik's favorite South African accent impersonation, Xan and Chris at the House of Japan restaurant, our sadness over the breakup of Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet's marriage, our second attempt to watch Hot Fuzz on Drunk Cinema, and more!

If you'd like to check out our podcast and subscribe to us, you can find us on...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Google Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn -- RIGHT HERE
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Stitcher -- RIGHT HERE
Drunk Cinema's Facebook Page
Drunk Cinema's Twitter Account

Be sure to come back next week for Episode 021, as Xan and I finally watch Hot Fuzz, the 2007 buddy cop action comedy film directed by Edgar Wright and featuring Simon Pegg as Sgt. Nicholas Angel, Nick Frost as Constable Danny Butterman, Jim Broadbent as Inspector Frank Butterman, and Timothy Dalton as Simon Skinner!

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

First MOON KNIGHT Trailer Teases First Look at Khonshu

The Fist of Khonshu is ready to embrace the chaos.

At long last, Marvel Studios has released the first full trailer for Moon Knightthe upcoming Disney+ TV series staring Oscar Isaac and based on the Marvel Comics superhero.

The 2-minute trailer opens with Steven Grant (Isaac) suffering from insomnia and fiddling with a Rubik's Cube while a voiceover has him call a company called Sleeping Awake to leave a message.

"I have a sleeping disorder," he says in a British accent. "I can't tell the difference between my waking life and dreams." As the insomnia continues, the Sleeping Awake message plays over and over until suddenly, he wakes up screaming from the nightmare and bolts from his bed, only to find that he has chained himself to the bed by his ankle.

As the song "Day ‘N’ Nite (Nightmare) - DCC Remix" by Kid Cudi begins to play, we see Steven struggling with his inability to sleep. "I'm losin' it," he says in a voiceover as we see him falling asleep on a bus heading to a museum holding an exhibit on Ancient Egypt.

"Real catch you are," replies his gift shop co-worker Donna. "You're bloody useless, Stevie."

"It's Steven," he corrects, but Donna simply laughs at him.

Later, as Steven begins to see flickering images of himself in the mirror as Moon Knight, a brief flash at the 45-second mark reveals Khonshu, Marvel's Egyptian god of the moon, observing Steven from across a darkened hallway. Khonshu begins to approach the panicked Steven as he backs into an elevator, but the figure turns into an elderly woman who sarcastically thanks him for not holding the door open.

Huddled on the floor, Steven meekly explains, "Lost a contact lens."

"Hope you find it," replies the woman.

Next, we see Steven discover a mysterious old flip phone with some sort of access key. When answered, the phone screen shows an 8-bit imagine of a crocodile and the words "Unknown Caller".

On the phone, a woman called Layla exclaims, "Oh, my God, you're alive?! What's wrong with you, Marc?!"

Puzzled, Steven replies, "Why did you call me Marc?"

We cut to Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke), who appears to be the leader of a cult in this TV version. "It must be very difficult," he says in a voiceover as his followers all kneel to the ground beside Steven/Marc. "The voices in your head. There's chaos in you."

In a separate scene, we see Steve suddenly realize he's driving a truck with a gun in his hand as another man (unconscious or dead) falls out the back door.

Fleeting images of Steven struggling with his mental state follow, with Arthur Harrow saying in a voiceover, "Embrace the chaos."

In another scene, we see Steven being enshrouded in mystical mummy-like bandages that form his Moon Knight costume. We cut to a scene of Moon Knight pummeling someone over and over, followed by Moon Knight turning toward the camera and coming right at it with bright, glowing eyes.

If you'd like to check out the Moon Knight trailer, you can view it below thanks to the official Marvel Entertainment account on YouTube...

Moon Knight premieres March 30, 2022 on Disney+.

GHOSTWOOD 107: "The Warriors" Is Up!

"Warriors...Come out to play-e-ayyyyyy..."
-- Luther, The Warriors

It is happening again...My co-host with the most Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast!  This time, we continue our retrospective of Twin Peaks Actors in Other Films by discussing The Warriors, the 1979 action thriller film directed by Walter Hill, starring David Patrick Kelly as Luther, James Remar as Ajax, Michael Beck as Swan, and Deborah Van Valkenburgh as Mercy!


In this episode, Xan and I discuss things like Ghostwood becoming a James Remar podcast, the bad fashion choices for the various gangs, the Beastie Boys being called "Menudo", the original Death Wish, wondering where the Warriors got the money for their matching vests, the Sylvester Stallone movie Nighthawks, Sol Yurick's original 1965 novel, actor Henry Silva, the movie Xanadu, Deborah Van Valkenburgh in Too Close for Comfort, our concern about the upcoming Quantum Leap remake pilot, Paramount halting their advertising campaign after reports of 3 killings and vandalism, David Patrick Kelly improvising the the "Come out to play" scene, Walter Hill being inspired by comic books, original plans for the Warriors to be an all-black street gang, original plans for Tony Danza to play Vermin, Walter Hill demanding that Thomas G. Waites' character Fox be killed off after the two began fighting behind the scenes, the script being rewritten so Swan and Mercy ended up together, why Mercy suddenly shows up with a jacket over her arm, original plans for Vermin to be killed by the Lizzies, Cyrus being a great motivational speaker, Luther blaming the Warriors for Cyrus' death, wondering why the Warriors didn't steal a van and simply drive to Coney Island, the distance from Central Park to Coney Island, Lynne Thigpen as the DJ, wondering why Mercy keeps hanging out with the Warriors, wondering what the Warriors wear in winter, the Lizzies setting a honey trap, the Punks' leader wearing roller skates, giving the Baseball Furies props for using wooden bats instead of aluminum, Ajax getting busted by an undercover Mercedes Ruehl, Mercy suddenly having a problem with going into a men's room, that awkward moment when Luther confesses to killing Cyrus while the Gramercy Riffs are within hearing distance, Cyrus having a good message about the gangs joining together to fight the oppressive system that keeps them down, young David Patrick Kelly making a great Joker, David Warner in Tron, Cindy Morgan as Lacey Underall in Caddyshack, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Google Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn -- RIGHT HERE
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Stitcher -- RIGHT HERE
Ghostwood's Facebook page
Ghostwood's Twitter account

Be sure to come back in two weeks, as Xan and I continue our retrospective of Twin Peaks Actors in Other Films by discussing Tron, the 1982 science fiction adventure film directed by Steven Lisberger, starring David Warner as Ed Dillinger/Sark, Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn/Clu, Bruce Boxleitner as Alan Bradley/Tron, and Cindy Morgan as Lora Baines/Yori!

Monday, January 17, 2022

TITANTALK 076: "George Pérez: A Celebration" Is Up!

"I am flattered by this attention. I never imagined how many people would be responding with such kindness, melancholy as well, when I announced my retirement, and everyone wishing me well, everyone wishing me good health, and thanking me for the years I have been there. And I thank you, for letting this little boy of five years old get to live his dream and to share it with so many people, and knowing that there are going to be a lot of five-year-olds, fifty-year-olds, hundred-year-olds, who are going to look at my work and say, 'He made a difference.'"
-- George Pérez, Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con 2019

Hello again, Titans fans! DJ Nik, Jesse Jackson and I are back with a new episode of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast! In this special episode, we celebrate the life and amazing 50-year career of legendary comics artist and writer George Pérez, discussing his connections to the original TitanTalk fan fiction group and his work on The New Teen Titans, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Wonder Woman, The Avengers, The Infinity Gauntlet, Crimson Plague, and more!

In this episode, DJ Nik, Jesse and I discuss things like George's announcement not to pursue treatment for his pancreatic cancer, our decision to celebrate George's life and career instead of doing a simple tribute, why it's fair for George to be considered on the level of Jack Kirby, TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast not existing if it wasn't for George Pérez, his professional debut in Marvel Comics' Astonishing Tales #25, his co-creating comics' first Puerto Rican superhero the White Tiger with Bill Mantlo, Jesse interviewing George at a Dallas convention in the '90s, George's uncanny ability to draw a ton of detail into a single panel, George's artwork elevating average comic scripts into something special, Rick Jones' trophy room in the Hulk: Future Imperfect limited series, George co-creating the Taskmaster with David Michelinie, George and Marv Wolfman making DC's The New Teen Titans into a rival with Marvel's The Uncanny X-Men in terms of popularity, Deadpool not existing if it wasn't for George Perez, George's work on "Who Is Donna Troy?" and the Donna Troy wedding issue, the original TitanTalk amateur press association/fan fiction group that made George and Marv honorary members and the members that became comics professionals, why my marriage to Lori Skaggs and friendship with Jesse wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for George, his work on Crisis on Infinite Earths, Jesse's criticism of DC wiping out the pre-Crisis Superman continuity, George rebooting Wonder Woman in the post-Crisis era, the storyline "A Lonely Place of Dying" that introducing Tim Drake as the third Robin, George cutting ties with DC after War of the Gods and going back to Marvel, his work on The Infinity Gauntlet limited series, Jesse taking George out to dinner in Dallas, his creation of The Maestro with Peter David, his 1995 run as writer of Silver Surfer, Lori, me and other TitanTalkers taking George out to dinner while he was a guest at the 1995 Mid-Ohio-Con in Columbus, Jesse having George draw Supergirl in a fez for his Doctor Who sketchbook, George returning to The Avengers for an incredible run with Kurt Busiek, George drawing the scariest Ultron ever in "Ultron Unlimited", George drawing both Lori and me into his short-lived Crimson Plague series, finally getting a JLA/Avengers crossover limited series, George returning to DC for Infinite Crisis and Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds, his short-lived run on Superman for DC's New 52 relaunch, his New Teen Titans collaboration with Marv Wolfman The New Teen Titans: Games, George's surgeries to address hemorrhaging in his left eye that effectively made him blind in that eye, his BOOM! Studios series Sirens, his 2017 heart attack and his formal retirement in 2019 due to various health issues, my wife Lori's thoughts regarding George, and more!

If you'd like to check out episodes of TitanTalk, you can find us on...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Google Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn --  RIGHT HERE
Spotify -- RIGHT HERE
Stitcher -- RIGHT HERE
TitanTalk's Facebook page
TitanTalk's Twitter account

And hey, we now have an official TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast t-shirt and merch featuring our updated logo, which you can find on TeePublic RIGHT HERE! Support the show by grabbing some TitanTalk gear to enjoy while listening to our discussions of Titans and Doom Patrol!

With Titans and Doom Patrol now on hiatus until whenever Season 4 premieres, DJ Nik have jumped back over to The Fandom Zone Podcast to discuss Season 2 of Superman & Lois, the CW superhero drama featuring Tyler Hoechlin as Superman/Clark Kent, Elizabeth Tulloch as Lois Lane, Jordan Elsass as Jonathan Kent, and Alex Garfin as Jordan Kent! Hope you check us out!

Sunday, January 9, 2022

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 253: "Eve of the Daleks" Is Up!

"So, we’re good. We make this work, next time round."
"But we failed to do this the last five times. And this time, we’ve even less time. What makes you think that this is gonna work?"
Because, something seems impossible. We try, it doesn’t work. We try again. We learn, we improve. We fail again, but better. We make friends. We learn to trust, we help each other. We get it wrong again. We improve together, then ultimately succeed. Because this is what being alive is, and it’s better than the alternative. So come on, you brilliant humans! We go again, and we win. Deal?"
-- The Thirteenth Doctor and Sarah, Doctor Who: "Eve of the Daleks"

Hello again, everyone! My partner in time Jesse Jackson and I are back with a new episode of Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast!  This time, we're joined by special guest companions DJ Nik & Holly Mac to discuss "Eve of the Daleks", the 2022 Doctor Who New Year's Day Special, featuring Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor, Mandip Gill as Yasmin "Yaz" Khan, John Bishop as Dan Lewis, Aisling Bea as Sarah, and Adjani Salmon as Nick!

In this episode, Jesse, Nik, Holly, and I discuss things like Nik and Holly finally reuniting on a podcast, my non-stop love of a Doctor Who discussion, BBC America needing to know when to not cut off dialogue for commercial breaks, Groundhog Day time-loop stories become tired and tropey, the Daleks learning as well from their time-loop experiences, the Daleks shooting like Stormtroopers in Star Wars, Aisling Bea's Sarah being a Donna Noble-type character, the unexpected cameo return by Jonny Dixon as Karl Wright, the in-joke of having Nicholas Briggs say the Dalek line "I am not Nick!", Yaz calling out Sarah for making fun of Dan, the confirmation of Yaz's sexuality and her romantic feelings toward the Thirteenth Doctor, hoping that Dan sticks around after the regeneration, Nik wondering why Chris Chibnall waited two episodes before Jodie Whittaker leaves to reveal Yaz's feelings, getting an aftermath resolution to the leftover story thread about the TARDIS being corrupted by the Flux, Yaz's self-denial over her sexuality, the Thasmin ship name, Diane having some serious making up to do if she wants to get back with Dan, Dan being Yaz's wingman and throwing serious shade at Daleks, Jeff being such an important presence that never appeared in the episode, Nik being a weirdo and ruining elves for everyone, not being convinced that Sarah and Nick will remain a couple, finally seeing someone duck so two Daleks shoot one another, Nick winning Sarah over through the course of the episode, women thinking Nik is weird for being friends with his motherthe Daleks wanting revenge on the Doctor for wiping out a Dalek fleet in "The Vanquishers", Daleks and Nazis seeming less threatening when you make fun of them, our favorite quotes of the episode, my Reverse the Polarity segment, new feedback from Sandi from Oregon, the first time we saw the Daleks' x-ray extermination special effect, Holly discussing Betty White and Hawkeye on The Five-ish Fangirls Podcast, our upcoming schedule through the next special "Legend of the Sea Devils", our reaction to seeing the Sea Devil in the trailer, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

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We have a NEW Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt with our current logo, which you can find on TeePublic right HEREThis spiffy new shirt looks great when you're listening to your favorite Doctor Who podcast and travelling through time and space!  Or your could order all sorts of cool Next Stop Everywhere merch there as well!

And hey, if you'd like to pick up our classic logo Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt, you can also find it on TeePublic right HERE!  Help support the show and feel free to post pictures on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back in two weeks for the next episode of Next Stop Everywhere as Jesse and I discuss "The Invasion of Time", the sixth serial from Doctor Who Season 15 in 1978, featuring Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor, John Leeson as the voice of K-9, the Sontaran invasion of Gallifrey, and the departure of Louise Jameson as Leela!

Monday, January 3, 2022

GHOSTWOOD 106: "The Phantom (1996)" Is Up!

"My name is Xander Drax."
"X-A-N-D-E-R D-R-A-X. Xander Drax. Begins and ends with the letter X."
-- Xander Drax & The Great Kabai Sengh, The Phantom

It is happening again...My co-host with the most Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast!  This time, we continue our retrospective of Twin Peaks Actors in Other Films by discussing The Phantom, the 1996 superhero film directed by Simon Wincer, starring Billy Zane as The 21st Phantom/Kit Walker, Treat Williams as Xander Drax, Catherine Zeta-Jones as Sala, and Patrick McGoohan as The 20th Phantom/Mr. Walker!


In this episode, Xan and I discuss things like Xan breaking a tooth, both my parents ending up in the hospital at the same time, the original Phantom comic strip by Lee Falk, '90s studio execs trying to capitalize on the popularity of Batman (1989) by making films based on old comic strips and radio shows from their childhoods, Nicholas Hammond needing to be included in Spider-Man: No Way Home, The Phantom feeling a bit like an Indiana Jones movie, the movie being a box office bomb, the Phantom's purple costume being the result of a printing error, the Phantom mantle being passed down through generations, the Phantom being a "white savior", Xan owning a Phantom promo skull ring, Diana and Sala teaming up so they don't get raped by the Sengh Brotherhood, Billy Zane being a good choice for a romanticized classic superhero, the Civic-Minded Five from The Tick animated series, feeling bad for Devil the wolf being in a jungle climate, Xan finally hearing her named spelled correctly on film, Xander Drax mansplaining to the Great Kabai Sengh about the Sengh Brotherhood, the really dark scene of Drax's microscope that stabs people in the eyes with razor blades, Michael Biehn replacing James Remar as Corporal Hicks in Aliens, Diana being told that no one says no to the Phantom, Kristy Swanson as the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Kristy Swanson's movie Dream Trap being filmed at the University of Central Florida while I was in college there, Samantha Eggar in The Brood, Patrick McGoohan as Number Six in The Prisoner (1967) and The Simpsons, Iron Maiden's song "The Prisoner", The Phantom being Catherine Zeta-Jones' breakout movie, the Newman music score dynasty, the three Phantom comic strip stories that were the basis for the movie script, Joe Dante's original plans for a tongue-in-cheek Phantom movie, Bruce Campbell being considered for the Phantom, Hugh Hefner's Playboy mansion being used for the Palmer mansion set, Jimmy Wells originally being the Phantom's alter ego in the comic strips, the Phantom's two rings, wondering how the two skulls knew there was a map to point to for the location of the third skull, the Devil's Vortex being a version of the Bermuda Triangle, Xan being a pinball champion for three years running because of the pandemic, DJ Nik and I talking with Doom Patrol's Miracole Burns and Thom Williams on TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast, Vincent D'Onofrio as Thor in Adventures in Babysitting, David Patrick Kelly in The Warriors, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Google Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn -- RIGHT HERE
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Be sure to come back in two weeks, as Xan and I continue our retrospective of Twin Peaks Actors in Other Films by discussing The Warriors, the 1979 action thriller film directed by Walter Hill, starring David Patrick Kelly as Luther, Michael Beck as Swan, James Remar as Ajax, and Deborah Van Valkenburgh as Mercy!